In April 2015, Julie Angel spent 3 weeks on the road as one of the guest speakers talking all things See&Do with the NY Times Best Selling author Chris McDougall for his new book Natural Born Heroes . Original writers create original book events and when the writer is Chris McDougall it was never going to be dull. As well as learning more about the book, attendees also learnt about animal athleticism from Tara Wood the creator of WildFitness; situational awareness via stand up comic extraordinaire Liz Miele, and then as if that wasn’t enough people were encouraged to explore their natural movement, to begin to become ‘strong’, 1 of the three elements the Ancient Greeks believed made up the art of the hero. Movement workshops were led by various parkour groups including Dan Edwardes and Andy Keller from Parkour Generations, Jesse, Caitlin & Nikki from the Movement Creative in New York, Mark Toorock from American Parkour & Mandy Lam from The Monkey Vault in Toronto. And there was also some knife throwing in venues that let us. Below are some of the people who were willing to ‘have a go’.