The course has been designed to help people to be active and take the first small step physically and mentally to work towards a happier and healthier lifestyle. Not everyone has the time nor access to go to classes so this course allows you to progress and learn when it suits you in an environment of your choosing. You will become more physically active, be more mindful of your activities, have an increased awareness of the way you think and how you communicate and connect with people around you. Many courses and movement systems talk about the importance of being mindful without any real instruction on what that means and how to do it. This course will guide you through the how, what and why of how to have a stronger body and a stronger mind. There are over 3 hours of video lessons plus additional resources, fun sheets, bonus videos and a private Facebook group to support your learning.
Create balance
Feel Connected
Would you like to train your body and mind to be stronger?
The STRONG BODY STRONG MIND course has been created by Julie Angel, bringing together MaryBeth Gangemi (movement specialist) and Sandra Vesterstein (NeuroLinguistic Programming Trainer). They will teach you how to move better and help you understand how your mind works, in order to make you feel happier, healthier and empowered. Working online you can go can at your own pace as all of the content is available immediately. Your time is valuable, so no need to wait for the next installment. The course includes two key components, Train the Body and Train the Mind.
A. This is a beginner level course, which you can start exactly where you are and progress from there.
Q. Do I need any special equipment for the Train the Body section?
A. No, the emphasis is on being able to practise all of the movement skills in a variety of environments.
Q. I barely have enough time to get things done as it is – how will I find time to implement this course?
A. The course is presented in a way that you can implement the skills into your daily routines without thinking about ‘working out’ or getting lost in your thoughts. A little often will go a long way to keep you sustainably healthier in mind and body. There is a quick reference guide to all the drills and checklists so you can look, learn and practice even if you only have 2 minutes to spare.
Q. I understand that if I put in the work and implement your system I WILL see epic results, but how many hours should I set aside each week?
A. The more you do, the better you will feel. Doing 5 or 10 minutes several times a day will already start to yield results. You’ll want to do more as progressing is both rewarding and fulfilling.
Q. I’m not looking to lose weight, will this course still help me?
A. Yes. This is not a diet or boot camp course. The focus is on your overall wellness and creating the foundations for feeling empowered in your everyday life.
Q. Will you be telling me what to think? I don’t want to be manipulated into thinking differently.
A. No. The Train the Mind section will help you understand how your mind works, become a better communicator and therefore be able to get more out of life.
Q. Do you guarantee that I’ll see and feel changes?
A. Yes. If you are honest with yourself about your roadblocks and habits, open to change and practise the lessons consistently you will experience change.
Q. Should I do this along side any other programs?
A. Yes. The skills covered in the Train the Body section will complement any other movement or training program. You can never get too much of the basics. Train the Mind offers techniques to create positive solutions and outcomes so can transcend anything and everything that you do.

The course is perfect
for you if...
- You are interested in improving your mind and body to benefit your health and feel more connected.
- You don’t want to continue with your current status quo of how you feel, but don’t know where to start.
- You want to learn from people who are honest in their teaching, experiences and authentically live by their own lessons.
- You know that you want to, and should feel better than you currently do.
- You’re ready to face the challenges that creating change can bring.
- You’re interested in progress not perfection. Perfection isn’t real.
- You want to learn about real world practical movements and mental solutions rather than party tricks or gimmicks.

Do you want to
Improve Your
Physical Abilities
The better your body moves, the better you will be at living your life to the full, and gaining greater physical competence and mobility. You will move better and think better.
Regular movement breaks will enable you to perform better and be more creative and attentive at work. More movement = better brain health. You will set yourself up for success.
The stronger you feel, the more balanced your body and mind will be, so you can move through the world in a peaceful, contented and empowering way.
New and reclaimed movement patterns and exercises will give you a greater sense of empowerment and confidence in your everyday life.
Know your
Learning Outcomes
During the Train the Body section of the course, you will be able to self assess your body’s current capabilities and practise the techniques and exercises demonstrated, to improve your physical skills including: breathing, posture, balance, mobility and strength.
Throughout the Train the Mind section of the course, Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques will be used to deepen your understanding of how the mind and body work together.

What will I get out of it?
On completion of the course you will
- understand how the conscious and unconscious mind relate to each other and which one is really dominant.
- use positive empowering language to communicate effectively.
- have adopted matching and mirroring techniques to build positive rapports with people of all processing/learning styles (visual, auditory and kinasaethic).
- have identified patterns of feelings, behaviour and beliefs through your unconscious mind and apply the ‘equation of success’ to achieve positive outcomes.
- understand the importance of beliefs and how they influence your mind and body.
- be able to adopt positive beliefs and to achieve desired outcomes.
- learn and use techniques to develop a motivational mindset and apply it to the course and everyday challenges.
- use your feelings and emotions associated with love to empower you to have a healthy body and mind.
- have identified diaphragmatic breathing techniques, and practised the techniques and drills to incorporate them into your daily life.
- understand what is meant by ‘good posture’ and have started to restore your posture through breathing and exercise.
- understand the importance of balance and incorporated balance drills into your daily routine.
- have increased awareness of your current range of mobility and have studied exercises that will make everyday movement easier.
- be able to progress towards a ‘deep squat’ and hence improve your overall strength and posture.
- have acquired safe training techniques to build your strength and prevent injury.
Created by
MaryBeth Gangemi & Sandra Vesterstein
Read about
Our Testimonials

Rachel Lankester
Founder, Magnificent Midlife Members Club &, celebrating & inspiring women 40+ .
“Strong Body Strong Mind is a fantastic program for developing one’s physical and mental strength. Everyone can benefit from training their body and mind. Good physical and mental agility require attention and effort, most especially as wage and want to remain active. This program provides an easy, accessible and fun structure to enable us to live our strongest lives all of our life! Thank you!”

Craig Constantine
Student of Art du Déplacement, podcaster, blogger, avid reader
” The course teaches a broad foundation of movement and mental skills, presented through quality videos, transcripts, worksheets and additional references for those driven to dig even deeper. Working from self-assessments to mental and physical exercises, it shows how to train the mind, (which is too often neglected) as well as the body. It provides the structure and skills needed to first understand, and to then expand and strengthen, the mind and body’s abilities. In the end, this enables each student to discover their personal journey of understanding and improvement as they grow from passively learning to actively directing their own progress.”

Tamsin Shakespear
Adventurer & Somatics Life Coach
“Strong Body. Strong Mind. It sounds so simple and yet it eludes so many of us because we lack the information and application to become as strong as we’re capable of. This doesn’t need to be the case. With Strong Body Strong Mind, Julie has created a robust yet accessible platform to empower us to take our physical and mental wellbeing into our own hands.”
Watch and meet
Our Coaches

MaryBeth Gangemi
Founder of Kairos Strong, Natural Movement Coach & Play Therapist
“Strength and movement are skills that can be practiced and refined. I strive to help people move better and feel better, to increase strength and agility, and increase overall body awareness and mindfulness.”

Sandra Vesterstein
Trainer:Neuro-Linguistic Coaching, Hypnosis and Reiki at Bennett/Stelllar University
” I know this, you’re going to gain a greater understanding of just how your mind works, and knowing that will allow you to get more of what you want out of life. Enjoy the program. “

Julie Angel Ph.D
Founder of See&Do, Artist, author & movment coach
“The course has been designed to help people to be active and take the first small step physically and mentally to work towards a happier and healthier lifestyle. I was the first student to go through the course and learnt so much, therefore I know it works and that it will make a positive impact on your everyday life.”