The first Culture of Effort Weekend took place in Raleigh, North Carolina. The vent consisted of 2 half days of training. one on Saturday night that was indoors and one on Sunday morning outdoors. Enso Movement were our kind hosts for Saturday and NC State was a greta location for Sunday. The emphasis for the event was on effort and participation rather than what a move might look like. Muriel Williman wrote this lovely testimonial that summed it up,
“The idea of being active and romping around playfully in my city that I love recollected the joyful buoyancy of my younger days and was instantly appealing. The barrier that popped immediately in my mind was I am too old! I’ll be 51 in May! I didn’t know anything about parcour and I didn’t know anything about Julie’s work. My friend assured me gleefully: ‘the women leading the workshop are our age!’… that was the hook. The thing I liked most about the workshop was that the emphasis was not about what you can or can’t to do, it was more about just checking things out and seeing what you might do! Can you put your hands on it, can you put your feet on it, can you lean into it, can you hear it? These are all questions that simply encourage an active participation in a place. It’s like- if you can see, hear, feel, or smell, you can start to do parcour. The workshop reawakened my excitement for being in my body wherever it might take me.”