Age is no obstacle to these 4 women all in their 60s and 70s who train trapeze.
“I am very proud to present this new short film, MOVEMENT OF BONES. I believe it sends a positive message about possibility, positive ageing, age is not an obstacle, strength building, mindset and anything else then shout about it from the roof tops and share away! Myself, Niedra, Barbara, Val and Val all have a message for you. It is never too late to move and enjoy life more because you feel able and therefore empowered ad free to do the things you want to do and keep doing them. Building new skills is not confined to our younger years.
I had not come across one freak athlete in a small town, there were more. The most interesting thing for me was that unlike Niedra who had been active and a mover all of her life, the others who I was soon to meet weren’t life long movers, quite the opposite. Some people have fixed ideas that they will peak and then break by their mid to late thirties, that the best times have gone. They buy into the myth that their youth is the time for enjoying physical prowess and gaining new athletic skills. However, this is only one side of the coin as others are afflicted with a misinformed view at the other end of the spectrum. People think that because they havn’t been moving for the past however many years that it’s too late so why bother. Both are wrong, so very, very wrong.” Julie Angel